Friday, November 2


November is National Blog Posting Month. Who knew? I have accepted the challenge to write a post each day this month. Why? you ask? Good question. I guess I like a challenge. Have I ever told you about how my dad said that if I chose to go to school in Europe for a semester that there's no way I would be able to pay for it and he'd end up having to bail me out? His lack of trust in my assurances (or was he just being clever?), angered me enough to get two jobs the summer prior and work myself silly to have enough money. Granted, I didn't eat most of semester (one of the professors wives insisted I take her jar of peanut butter in order to get some protein while traveling) and I got to bring home very few souvenirs. I spent my very last $3 for an ice cream cone in LAX on the return trip home. Dad gave me not a nickel for that journey of a lifetime. HA! Challenge me, will you? Shoot - it's already November 2nd, so I've already failed. But that takes the pressure off, right? On your mark. Get set. Blog!


Allan W. said...

Wow, didn't know about the event. I know better than to challenge you for something.

Now I know why Trin's hands were callused when competing with her friend on the monkeybars...

Glenn said...

yThe challenge was basically, "If you want to do something extra, you find a way to pay for it." Remember that at that time we had three in college and our income was not enough to pay the mortgage, let alone send one of you to school in Europe.

You have no idea how proud I was of you to take the challenge, earn the money and chase your dream successfully. I bragged about you to anyone who would listen, and I knew then that I would never have to worry about you failing at anything that you wanted to do.

It is scarry how much you are like your mother with this type of grit. When she told her folks that she wanted to go to ACC to college they told her about the same thing that I told you. (Boys go to college, girls get ready for marriage.) She arrived in Abilene with less than $10 and graduated 3 2/3 years later without any help from her folks.

Yes Allan, we are surrounded by mighty women.

Glenn said...

Hey, I didn't mean to sound like I didn't approve of girls going to college - that was an added comment reflecting the attitude of Phyllis' folks.

Steve Maxwell said...

Kristi - You Go Girl!