No more four year old going to bed now! Connor proudly declared a few minutes ago. Clearly age five takes one well beyond the realm of "little boy". We had a great day of celebration for this important milestone. I'm sure Connor would tell you that his favorite part of the day was getting a new train (or two or three) for his Thomas collection or maybe it was seeing the amazing Thomas cake that Grammy made. He thoroughly enjoyed his party with more than a dozen friends, playing games and being as loud and rowdy as our little living room could handle. One part of the party that I surprisingly enjoyed was Connor opening his gifts. This was not the greedy free-for-all of tearing through paper and ribbons to expose the latest and greatest worthless gadgets. Rather, from one family Connor received two trains which he had played with for the last few years at their house. The same was true for three cars given to him by another. His friends looked at their own things and chose with care what they knew Connor would love. It is a tradition that I think is worth perpetuating. The other especially meaningful part of the day happened before the cake and presents. We asked the kids to answer one question -
What is something that you like or love about Connor? I was touched as his friends each in turn shared a simple way in which Connor is a blessing.
I like how Connor is funny! I love that Connor is smart and lovable. I like how Connor shares his trains and his birthday cake! Connor is nice - he's my friend. I like Connor's eyes. Those are some insightful children! How right they are on all accounts.
Happy 5th Birthday, Connor - I love you more each day.
wow he even LOOKS older.
Happy birthday, buddy!
Hurray for 5 year old boys, they want to marry their moms at this age and are so loveable!
At Hunter's party the boys were so excited to give the gift, I loved listening to them get excited about giving. I love asking the guests what they like about the person, great idea.
It has been such a blessing to watch him grow these last couple of years. He is very blessed to have you for his mom.
Happy Birthday Connor!
Wow, the time has gone by fast hasn't it. Hunter turned 5 on Thanksgiving. I remember when you and Lori were both pregnant. Seems like ages ago.
Glad you had a great party Connor.
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