Thursday, October 6

What To Do Next?...

I am on flight from Dallas to Nashville now. I am heading to the Opryland Hotel for the International Play Therapy Conference. I am looking forward to seeing some peers from my Sri Lanka trip and listening to great visionaries in this field. But, I have to admit, this is also a little vacation for me. Eighty-eight hours of freedom from dressing, feeding and changing the stinkiness of little people. Eighty-eight hours to blend in to the scenery, to sit back and engage with others as I please. Eighty-eight hours with no updates on peers' marriage or child issues, no crisis management, no PUMP decisions to make.

Don't get me wrong...I love my life, very much. It won't take long for me to miss little arms wrapped around my neck with an "I love you, mommy!" followed close behind. I would rather be spending these 88 hours with my husband (preferably in Nashville or D.C., where he is right now) than to even have the gift of anonymity. I care deeply for my friends marriages and for their children. My ministry at PUMP rivals no other with a deep sense of purpose and a revival of direction.

All of those people and activities will be there when I get back on Sunday night. But the next 88 hours are mine to play with...


Lori Ann said...

ohhhh Kristi~
Enjoy some sleep for me. I agree with what you wrote. I also enjoy those times away to refresh and refine my craft.
I have one coming up in January!

Glenn said...

Enjoy!! The kids have been great, although they miss you. (A little tug at the heart.) Don't fret over missing them with your phone call, Allan was too late also. We have them for another 10 hours, and then it's over to the Martin's with them. Grammy and Granddaddy are off to Medford. No time for them to get bored, they were over at "William's" this afternoon. Don't feel guilty, we all like to get away once in a while, even from those we love. Being refreshed, we are capable of deeper love. Even while feeling the responsibility of saving the world in three years, Jesus went off by himself at times, to be alone with God.

Cheryl said...

What a delight! I'm so glad you are doing this--Enjoy!