Tuesday, July 15

Life In Six Words

Ernest Hemmingway was once asked to write a story in just six words. This is what he penned: “For sale: Baby shoes. Never worn.” Wow - that's just sad. So I thought I'd try this exercise, but I'm making it autobiographical.

She birthed three times. She's tired.

Raised in faith. Passing it on.

True Oregonian, she loves the rain.

Thirty-six and counting. Hotter than ever.

Rich past. Pleasant present. Hopeful future.


Now, how about you? How would you describe your life in six words?



suzylu said...

She loves music, loves to dance.

Kezia, Eden, Jordan. Gifts from God.

His Beloved and He is mine.

Dr. Pepper, sunshine, family & friends.

ecclestia said...

Uncertain yet stable.
Sarcastic and loving.
Surrounded by children and animals.

Cheryl Russell said...

Searching woman. Lost and found. Thankful.

Jessica said...

Old soul meets nutcase. Chaos ensues.

Weaknessness abound, faults everywhere. Loved always.

Chill, frost, sweaters, blankets, friends; heaven!

can't think - too tired. GO HOME!

Aimee Jo said...

She prayed fervently. God heard her.

Broken, searching, trying to follow Christ. (that's Andrew's)