Monday, March 9

How Not to Dispose of a Whale

At the Oregon coast right now there is a sad little whale who was washed up on shore and found his final resting place. As always, there is some discussion as to the best way to move such a large and smelly carcass. That same discussion back in 1970 led to a rather hilarious, albeit messy, result.


Cheryl Russell said...

LOL! Large chunks of whale flying around and causing people to run for cover! Awesome!

Brian Pannell said...

oh my goodness how did you find this???


Kristi said...

This is one of those Portland stories (since it was a Portland news crew) that reappears every couple of years - either when we all need a funny story or when some news guy retires or, like this week, when another whale beaches itself nearby. It still makes me laugh every time!

Cheryl said...

Jeff and I read about this at your parents' I think. Your Dad may have a book about it? Anyway, SO FUNNY! And gross.

Leah said...

Sarah said...

Oh Kristi, that’s actually really funny. Wow. The entire time I was watching it I was thinking, “Is this real? Did they really blow up a whale?” Crazy.